World Health Organisation issues Global Report on Diabetes, calls on Governments and civil society to speed up action
6 April 2016Ahead of the 2016 World Health Day (7th of April) which focuses on diabetes for this year edition, the World Health Organisation released today its...
Dutch Kidney Foundation launches Salt Campaign
4 April 2016On the occasion of the 2016 World Kidney Day (10th March), the Dutch National Foundation has launched a Salt Campaign in the Netherlands to raise...
Chronic Kidney Disease Control program launched in Turkey
4 April 2016The Turkish Society of Nephrology together with the Ministry of Health has launched the Chronic Kidney Disease Control Program in Turkey. With the overall aim...
EU-funded project to look into possible actions to prevent non-communicable diseases and address challenges related to nutrition and physical activity
4 April 2016European Commission’s Directorate General for Health (DG SANTE) launched in February 2016 the preparatory action SciView to assess scientific evidence and define policy guidelines for...
Working Group on Living Donation develops guidelines on Living Kidney Donation
4 April 2016In the framework of EU “Action Plan on organ donation and transplantation (2009-2015): Strengthened Cooperation between Member States”, nominated experts from national competent authorities members...
MEPs raise voice to promote kidney health on World Kidney Day
15 March 2016On the occasion of the World Kidney Day (10th of March) and in line with their MEP Group for Kidney Health memberships, MEP Karin Kadenbach...
EKHA calls for greater focus on prevention!
10 March 2016The 2016 World Kidney Day campaign draws attention to prevention. It builds on the “Move Your Feet” campaign to raise awareness on Kidney Disease and...
MEPs take steps to encourage healthy-eating habits in schools across Europe
8 March 2016Today, MEPs gathering for the March plenary session in Strasbourg adopted a draft new regulation increasing budgets for school milk, fruits and vegetables schemes and...
Chronic diseases, one of the priorities of the European Commission’s Health Work Programme for 2016
2 March 2016On the 1st of March, the European Commission published the 2016 Annual Work Plan under EU Health Programme 2014-2020, in which Chronic Diseases are amongst the key...
EKHA joins EU Presidency Conference to agree guidance on reducing salt, sugar and fat in foods
24 February 2016Reformulating foods to reduce salt and sugar, therefore making the healthy food choice, the easy choice, in order to reduce the burden of chronic diseases...
EKHA on Twitter
24 February 2016EKHA has recently joined the social media Twitter to advocate for kidney health and participate to the overall discussions on health issues at EU level online....
2016 European Kidney Forum
24 February 2016Hosted by the MEP Group for Kidney Health, the 2016 edition of the European Kidney Forum "Moving from Disease Care to Health Care - A paradigm...