In 2021, EKHA started with 3 working groups (WG). The groups are composed by people of EKHA member organisations and people from the nephrology world who contribute with their expertise. They carry out tasks and actions to achieve, amongst other, the 3 strategic goals of EKHA. In 2021 they started with the following tasks:

WG 1:
Prevention & screening

Research via a survey:
• to analyse existing screening programs in primary care in Europe;
• to understand the general attitude to – and use of –  CKD detection/screening  in GP practises;
• to evaluate the feasibility of screening for kidney disease.

WG 2:
Disease Management

Research for need and use  of a Disease Management Toolbox, to provide kidney patients with a practical tool to better manage kidney disease in all stages.
This tool should also be helpful to nurses, nephrologists, general practitioners and other specialists in supporting patients tackling their disease.

WG 3: 
Ground Breaking Innovation

Collaboration to push for an international framework for new innovative and affordable Kidney Replacement Therapies (KRT’s) in response to Horizon Europe’s Strategic Orientations for Research and Innovation and the Advancing American Kidney Health (AAKH) Executive Order.

Aside from the working groups, EKHA installed an ambassador group that is composed by people living with kidney disease. Their tasks are to reflect on the output of the working groups, represent the patient voice in political meetings and provide patients insights on EKHA’s strategic goals. These Ambassadors are therefore incorporated in the one of working groups.