
Postponed: 2020 European Kidney Forum on improving organ donation and transplantation in Europe

We are sorry to announce that the 2020 European Kidney Forum had to be cancelled on the day it was scheduled to take place, upon...

EKHA’s 2020 European Kidney Forum to be held under the sponsorship of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

EKHA is proud to announce that the 2020 edition of its annual European Kidney Forum entitled ‘A Shared Vision for Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation...

Updated final version of the Joint Statement on Organ Donation and Transplantation now available!

An updated final version of the Joint Statement of the Thematic Network on Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation in the EU is now available for...

EKHA supports campaign to raise awareness on Iron Deficiency Day

26 November 2019 is Iron Deficiency Day, an international initiative aiming to raise awareness of the serious impact of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia....

EKHA becomes a Non-Profit Association under Belgian law

We are delighted to announce that EKHA has been incorporated as a Non-Profit Association (VZW) under Belgian law as of 26 August 2019. The new...

The new EKHA brochure is out!

The new EKHA brochure is now available via this link. Read to find out more about our work and achievements to date. We encourage you...

Watch the presentation of the Joint Statement on Organ Donation and Transplantation at the EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting

EKHA Chairman Professor Raymond Vanholder presented the Joint Statement of the Thematic Network on Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation on 17 October 2019 at the...

The Joint Statement of the Thematic Network on Organ Donation and Transplantation submitted to the European Commission

On 3 October 2019, the Joint Statement of the Thematic Network on Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation in the EU was submitted to the European...

EKHA contributes to new publication on stimulating collaboration in nephrology research in Europe

EKHA initiatives and priorities are discussed in a new Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) Journal article exploring the strengths and the limitations of nephrology research activities...

Read EKHA’s new publication on how to increase kidney transplant activity throughout Europe

EKHA's new publication in the Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) Journal reviews the current state of kidney transplantation activities throughout Europe and makes suggestions to improve...