EKHA input on the new EU pharmaceutical strategy
15 October 2020Over the summer, EKHA has sent its contribution to the public consultation on the EU pharmaceutical strategy. The European Commission is expected to launch its...
EKHA Open Letter to EU policy makers: 5 key recommendations to improve prevention, treatment & care of Chronic Kidney Disease in the aftermath of COVID-19
23 September 2020On 22 September, EKHA has issued an open letter to ensure that kidney patients’ needs are not overlooked in current negotiations on the various instruments...
‘Funding kidney research as a public health priority: challenges and opportunities’
9 September 2020EKHA has contributed to a new publication discussing the challenges and opportunities in raising the awareness of public health authorities on the burden of kidney...
‘The rate of true patient-centred innovation has slowed in dialysis’, warns latest EKHA publication
12 August 2020A new EKHA article published in Nature Reviews Nephrology explores the current and future landscape of dialysis and highlights that the rate of true patient-centred innovation...
EKHA contributes to publication on dialysis care in Canada and the United States with references to Europe
30 June 2020EKHA has contributed to an article recently published in the Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). The article compares and contrasts transnational dialysis-related...
Watch the highlights from the EKHA webinar on the need for innovation in Renal Replacement Therapies
10 June 2020On 9 June EKHA organised a webinar on the need for innovation in Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) as a side meeting of the 57th ERA-EDTA...
EKHA prepares for landmark virtual meeting on innovation in renal replacement therapy
18 May 2020Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as “the most neglected chronic disease”. The wait continues for ground-breaking innovations that...
EKHA publishes new article on dialysis reimbursement and distribution of kidney replacement therapies
3 April 2020You can now access EKHA's latest article published in the Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) Journal, entitled "A call for harmonization of European kidney care: dialysis...