EKHA input on the new EU pharmaceutical strategy
15 October 2020
Over the summer, EKHA has sent its contribution to the public consultation on the EU pharmaceutical strategy. The European Commission is expected to launch its new strategy to improve and accelerate patients’ access to safe and affordable medicines and to support innovation in the EU pharmaceutical industry by the end of 2020.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becoming a worrying health threat to the European society. CKD does not only augment the risk of developing End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) and the need for dialysis or transplantation but also significantly contributes to early death by increasing the burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus type 1. Adequate treatment options are lacking or are not tailored to the needs of kidney patients. EKHA is calling for ambitious action to improve the availability and affordability of innovative drugs and devices for the treatment of kidney failure.