EKHA’s proposal to bring together stakeholders to advance the cause of improving organ donation and transplantation in the EU was selected by the European Commission as one of three Thematic Networks for 2019.
Throughout the year, EKHA organised two webinars and worked in conjunction with National Competent Authorities, transplant organisations, medical professionals and patient associations to develop a Joint Statement entitled A Shared Vision for Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation in the EU, the main output of the Thematic Network. This stakeholder-led tool comprises actionable policy calls and recommendations to drive efforts at EU, Member State, and stakeholder level, in addition to outlining the state of play and remaining challenges in the field. As such, the Joint Statement offers a unique opportunity to shape future policy on organ donation and transplantation in Europe
Co-signed by 54 organisations and endorsed by 19 Members of the European Parliament, the final document was submitted to the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) and presented at the European Commission’s Health Policy Platform annual event on 17 October.
Following the closure of the 2019 Thematic Network cycle, the network continues to exist on the EU Health Policy Platform as a Stakeholder Network, in which organisations are still able to request to take part by logging in to the Health Policy Platform.
EKHA is proud to have led this important initiative that yielded an essential policy document to guide and underpin future policy making efforts in the field of organ donation and transplantation in Europe. We thank all Thematic Network partners, main contributors and endorsers of the Joint Statement and the European Commission for their immense support in this journey.