DATE: 29/09/2022
TIME: 14.30-18.00 CEST
- onsite in Madrid, Room Mate Oscar Hotel, Plaza Pedro Zerolo 121;
- online on Zoom.
GOAL: Find possibilities to improve the quality of life of people on dialysis across Europe with focus on mental health and those aspects of the disease and care that are modifiable.
You can see the recording of the event here:
You can read the event report here.
14.30 – 14.40 CEST
WELCOME with Raymond Vanholder (EKHA President) and Eveline Scheres (EKHA General Manager and moderator of the round table).
14.40 – 14.50 CEST
Opening statement with Cesar Luena, Spanish Member of European Parliament and member of the European Member of Parliament Group for Kidney Health.
14.50 – 15.10 CEST Key take aways from the EKPF Whitepaper “Living better with CKD – Improving the quality of life of CKD patients on dialysis across Europe” by Daniel Gallego EKPF President | 15.10– 15.30 CEST Improving quality of life of CKD patients: presentation of main findings of a recent patient survey by Anne Stinat, France Rein Vice President | 15.30 – 15.50 CEST How can renal nurses contribute to the QoL of dialysis patients and the shift from hospital to in-home dialysis by Anna Marti Monros, Renal Nurse, representing EDTNA/ERCA |
15.50 – 16.30 CEST
PANEL DISCUSSION with emphasis on indicating bottle necks and defining solutions from different perspectives
1. Daniel Gallego – EKPF President and Kidney Patient,
2. Raymond Vanholder – EKHA President,
3. Anna Marti Monros – Renal nurse,
4. Anne Stinat – France Rein Vice President,
5. Alberto Ortiz – Nephrologist.
16.30 – 16.40 CEST
Reflections on the round table by Nicolas Casares, Spanish Member of European Parliament.
16.40 – 16.45 CEST
Closing of the online session by Raymond Vanholder EKHA President.
16.45 – 17.05 CEST
Refreshment Break.
17.05 – 18.00 CEST
Summary of key take aways of the session and formulation of policy messages (only for the live attendants).
This round table is supported by