The MEP Group for Kidney Health is the informal group of Members of the European Parliament committed to improve the policy response to the growing burden of kidney disease in Europe. The MEP Group has been running since 2008, acting as a successful debate forum in topics such as sustainability of healthcare systems and health inequalities.
The principal aim of the MEP Group for Kidney Health is to provide political impetus to improve policy on prevention, as well as improved access to best-practice care for all EU citizens. EKHA manages the Secretariat of the MEP Group for Kidney Health. MEPs involved in the Group have access –through EKHA’s network of experts– to valuable information relevant to their work on health policy; in exchange, the MEP Group is instrumental to raising awareness on CKD amongst other policy makers and stakeholders.

Objectives of the MEP Group
The principal aim of the MEP Group for Kidney Health is to provide political impetus to improve policy on prevention, as well as improved access to best-practice care for all EU citizens. By acting as a hub between stakeholders for the exchange of information and dialogue on kidney health, the MEP Group for Kidney Health serves to:– Drive the development and implementation of targeted EU policies on kidney health addressing prevention, early detection, and improved treatment access, particularly of transplantation
– Address specific EU and national policies which have a potential impact on the lives of kidney patients and their carers
– Promote the implementation and harmonisation of organ donation and transplantation policies across the EU
Current Members
Ondřej Knotek
(Czechia, Patriots for Europe)
Yvan Verougstraete
(Belgium, Renew)
Olivier Chastel
(Belgium, Renew)
Romana Jerkovic
(Croatia, Renew)
Tomislav Sokol
(Croatia, EPP)
Katerina Konecna
(Czechia, NA)
Andras Kulja
(Hungary, EPP)
César Luena
(Spain, S&D)
The role of EKHA in the MEP Group for Kidney Health
EKHA manages the Secretariat of the MEP Group for Kidney Health. MEPs involved in the Group have access- through EKHA’s network of experts- to valuable information relevant to their work on health policy; in exchange, the MEP Group is instrumental to raising awareness on CKD amongst other policy makers and stakeholders.