New EKHA Publications Focus on Home Dialysis Potential and Disaster Preparedness
22 August 2024Two new EKHA publications, co-authored by EKHA’s President Prof. Em. Raymond Vanholder, consider, respectively, the potential of neglected home dialysis assets in Europe and ways to prepare those impacted by kidney disease against disasters.
“Unlocking the untapped potential: the neglected home dialysis assets in Europe” (Vanholder, Bach, Davies, Finne & Mitra, 2024) presents an overview of the advantages of home haemodialysis, a once-predominant practice whose uptake nowadays is low in Europe, but which offers several inherent benefits with only limited drawbacks.
In “Disaster preparedness for people with kidney disease and kidney healthcare providers” (Sever, Vanholder & Lameire, 2024), the authors consider strategies to minimise risks linked to large-scale disasters for those impacted by kidney disease, including both providers of kidney healthcare and patients.