Organ Donation: European Commission Adopts Two Financing Decisions
28 July 2015On 10 July 2015, the European Commission published two financing decisions:
- On the pilot project “The Effect of Differing Kidney Disease Treatment Modalities and Organ Donation and Transplantation Practices on Health Expenditure and Patient Outcomes”.
The Commission adopted the annual work programme for the implementation of the pilot project and the maximum contribution from the EU for 2015 is set at Eur 1 000 000.
This pilot project will compare, from a micro- and macro-economic perspective, the various treatment modalities for Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) in EU Member States (and associated countries).
The first goal is to provide an overview of the different treatment modalities and the factors that influence the selection of those modalities. A second objective is to support Member States’ efforts in putting in place operational tools (registers) to follow-up living donors and transplanted patients, based on the experience learned and recommendations formulated by previous EU funded projects. The pilot project will be implemented by a call for proposals managed by DG SANTE.
Read the decision here and the annex of the decision for project details and eligibility criteria here.
- For 2015 for the pilot project “Platform for increasing organ donation in the European Union and neighbouring countries: EUDONORG 2015-2016F”.
The Commission adopted the annual work programme for the implementation of the pilot project and the maximum contribution from the EU for 2015 is set at Eur 600 000. The pilot project will focus on training and social awareness to encourage public reflection on organ and tissue donation. It will include training for health professionals and social activists, networks and professionals (for example patients support groups, journalists, communication offices of healthcare establishments or national/regional authorities) who will be trained on how to best identify donors, how to best organise donation activities and how to pass on the main positive aspects of donation within the hospitals and to the rest of society.
In a first phase the selected contractor will develop a “train the trainers” course. The second phase will involve the organisation of several communication events (e.g. awareness or information days, journalist workshops). These events shall include information on deceased and living donation as well as on organ and tissue donation. The project will be implemented through a procurement managed by DG SANTE.