“Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneys” – World Kidney Day 2017
9 March 2017“Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneys”
World Kidney Day 2017
Read EKHA Press Release for World Kidney Day 2017!
EKHA fully endorses World Kidney Day and supports the Joint Position on Kidney Disease and Obesity by the World Kidney Day and the World Obesity Federation.
The European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) is an Alliance of not-for-profit organisations representing all European stakeholders in kidney health issues including patients, nephrologists, researchers and health care workers in Europe. Please see www.ekha.eu
World Kidney Day is a unique opportunity to raise awareness in the public and at the highest political level for the prioritisation of prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease in public health programmes, for the benefit of the growing number of people suffering, but also for our health systems and society in general. Please see www.worldkidneyday.org
The MEP Group for Kidney Health works in collaboration with the European Kidney Health Alliance as a forum for important issues surrounding kidney health to be discussed at EU level. It brings together experts from the kidney community (physicians, patients, researchers, health economists, nurses and allied professionals) and European policymakers to discuss key topics and activities related to kidney health. In this way, MEPs receive valuable information relevant to their current work and are better able to hold the European Commission to account as it drafts new proposals that impinge of kidney health. The MEP Group meets once to twice yearly for concise and focused meetings. The group is chaired by Karin Kadenbach, MEP. Please see https://ekha.eu/mep-group/