8 April 2019
EHKA is pleased to announce its 6th Annual European Kidney Forum: Organ Donation and Transplantation in the EU. Owing to proximity of the European Elections and the desire to have dynamic and interactive dialogue, this year’s forum will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels.
EKHA is honoured to receive the continued support of the MEP Group for Kidney Health, and to have MEP Hilda Vautmans provide this year’s opening address. EKHA has also secured Stefaan Van der Spiegel of DG SANTE, to provide the Commission perspective. The 2019 forum will aim to bring together expert collaboration from the German Health Minister, Croatian and Spanish Competent Authorities, medical societies involved in transplantation, our partner collaborations representing various organ groups and of course patients, families and the organisations that support them.
The Policy Roundtable format aims to to foster dialogue about
the challenges and opportunities for organ donation and transplantation across
EU, regardless of condition. The ideas and insights garnered
from the panel discussion will inform the EU Thematic Network Joint Statement
on Organ Donation and Transplantation
As in previous years, EKHA will host its annual meeting
with associate members to exchange good practice on organ donation and
transplantation. Over the past few months, EHKA has been active in securing
sponsorship for what is expected to be our biggest Forum to date. We are proud
to announce that several sponsors have expressed interest in supporting this
year’s forum, including: Astellas, Baxter, B Braun, CSL Behring and Amgen