EU Health Policy Platform, 2019 Thematic Network Kick-Off Meeting
28 February 2019
On 6 February, Professor Vanholder was invited to share the rationale for the Network Organ Donation and Transplantation, as well as intended outputs.
The key points and research areas the Joint statement will include are: (1) Clustering of countries for implementation of strategic plans, depending on their strengths/weaknesses (one-size fits all is not the approach recommended even though countries can learn from each other), (2) Striving towards general European opting-out, (3) Stimulate expanded cadaveric donorship and living donation, (4) Eliminate financial barriers for (living) donors and for hospitals and (5) Improve patient information.
Valuable feedback was received from Commission officials, who expressed support for the initiative and expect that our Joint Statement will receive many endorsements.
As part of the cycle, there will be two webinars, wherein EKHA will call for collaboration and endorsements from key stakeholders. The Joint Statements will be presented during the annual EU Health Policy Platform meeting at the end of September.