ECDA Campaign Highlights Growing Burden of NCDs in Europe
29 May 2024Ahead of the Global Week for Action on NCDs, the European Chronic Disease Alliance (ECDA), of which EKHA is a member, has launched a campaign for action and investment in NCDs prevention and management, titled “Investing in a healthy Europe, free of preventable NCDs”. The campaign, supported by EKHA, starts with the launch of a policy debate held in the European Parliament on “Investing in NCD prevention and control for better health in Europe”.
In Europe today, the prevalence of NCDs continues to rise, with a profound impact on the well-being of individuals and their families. NCDs are linked with considerable costs and place a substantial burden on health systems, economies and societies. Momentum on the importance of increasing efforts to both prevent and control NCDs in Europe is growing, and it is now crucial to adopt a strategic and holistic approach towards addressing NCDs that centres around prevention. Within this context, and against the backdrop of the 2024 European Union elections and the upcoming 4th High-Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs in 2025, this campaign brings together healthcare professionals, patient advocates, health economists, official health bodies and European Union policymakers with a united voice to speed up action. It provides a timely opportunity to reflect on priorities for the coming years.
Please find more information about the policy debate and the campaign on the ECDA’s website.