ACCORD Results 2015: Organ Donation in the European Union


“Improving Organ Donation throughout the European Union- ACCORD”

Early June in Madrid, a conference on the ACCORD Joint Action was held to disseminate the results of the project on increasing and improving organ donation in the EU, which has been co-financed by the EU Health Programme.
The project “Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation throughout the European Union- ACCORD”,is a Joint Action that runs from May 2012 to November 2015, involving 23 European countries, and coordinated by the Spanish National Transplant Organisation. ACCORD is supported by 10 collaborating partners, including the World Health Organisation and the Council of Europe.
ACCORD aims to narrow the inequalities in organ donation in Europe by:
-Enhancing the protection of living donors by improving information systems and through common standards;
-Promoting deceased organ donation by facilitating the cooperation between critical care professionals and donor transplant coordinators;
-Sharing practical knowledge, expertise and tools by implementing practical collaborations among countries – through a “twinnings” initiative.
Find out about the questionnaires and other documents here.