EKHA is an active member of the European Chronic Disease Alliance. We work closely with our partners in the ECDA to reverse the alarming rise in chronic diseases in Europe by providing leadership and policy recommendations based on contemporary evidence.

EKHA actively participates in the development of ECDA position statements as well as communication with key EU policy makers.
From 2017 to 2019, EKHA is managing the Secretariat of the ECDA and EKHA Chairman Prof. Vanholder acts as ECDA President.
April 2015- The good, the bad and the ugly: Why the EU should eliminate industrially produced trans fats
European Chronic Disease Alliance position on the need for EU regulation to set upper limits for industrially produced trans fats. Click here to read the paper.
March 2015- Don’t bottle out: Why the EU needs a comprehensive alcohol strategy
The harmful and hazardous use of alcohol has a major impact on public health as it leads to over 60 chronic diseases. It also generates outstanding healthcare and social costs related to the treatment of alcohol-related diseases, public order, labour and productivity. The ECDA calls on the EU to take comprehensive action to help Europeans reduce their alcohol consumption without any further delay. Click here to read the paper.
February 2015- Don’t pass the salt!
ECDA position paper on the need for EU action to help Europeans reduce excessive salt intake. Click here to read the paper.
July 2016- European Chronic Disease Alliance’s open letter to the European Commission on EU Initiatives and Progress on Chronic Diseases
April 2014- European Chronic Disease Alliance’s Letter to Commissioner Tonio Borg following the EU Summit on Chronic Diseases.