EKHA’s Thematic Network 1st Webinar
15 April 2019
On Wednesday 08 May 2019, from 14.30 till 15.30, EKHA invites interested stakeholders to exchange ideas and
comments on the first webinar of the Thematic Network on “Improving organ donation and
transplantation in the EU.“ The network of
partners who have expressed interest in supporting this initiative is growing
and comprises of Spanish and Croatian Competent Authorities, respected medical
societies involved in transplantation, including ESOT, Eurotransplant and the European
Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA ), our esteemed partner collaborations
representing various organ groups, including the European Heart Network (EHN), Pulmonary
Hypertension Association Europe and the European Respiratory Society (ERS), patients,
families and the organisations that support them. This webinar is free and open
to the public. No registration required. It will be recorded, and the link
shared in the Agora network after the webinar.
To access, click here, enter your name, organisation, email, and if required, the
access code (841 806 814) and password (webinar2019).