EU Pilot Project the ‘Effect of Differing Kidney Disease Treatment Modalities and Organ Donation and Transplantation Practices on Health Expenditure and Patient Outcomes’, comprising partners from 15 European countries.


Conceived, drafted, and submitted the initial project description and proposal ‘The Effect of Differing Kidney Disease Treatment Modalities and Organ Donation and Transplantation Practices on Health Expenditure and Patient Outcomes’  to the European Parliament, via MEP Karin Kadenbach, requesting to allocate 1M EUR in the 2015 Budget of the EU towards the pilot project.

Successfully lobbied all MEPs in the Environment and Public Health Committee, and the Budget Committee, for their support to pass the proposal through the multiple voting rounds on the budget in Plenary and be included in the General Budget of the EU 2015.


Supported the formation of the multi-country/multi-centre consortium, including the ERA-EDTA, who would take on the project ‘The Effect of Differing Kidney Disease Treatment Modalities and Organ Donation and Transplantation Practices on Health Expenditure and Patient Outcomes’ .

The project, now known as EDITH, has two main objectives:

  • To compare, from a macro-economic perspective, the various treatment modalities for CKD in EU countries, by investigating factors that influence treatment choice, and the impact on healthcare budgets
  • To facilitate the setting up of EU-wide registries for the follow-up of transplant recipients and living donors

Desired outcomes:

  • Recommendations for improving and harmonising treatment availability based on best-practice
  • Strategies to improve the availability of transplantation across EU Member States
  • EU wide registries to follow up transplant recipients and living donors


EKHA officially joined the EDITH Consortium as a ‘Collaborating Partner’ and attended the kick-off meeting in January 2016 in Brussels at the European Commission DG Santé premises.